I just popped into SL to get the name of someone for a note and this conversation happened:
[16:03] Jack Buxbaum: Hey Thunder I'm in- Auckland NZ teaching a clas on aquatic restoration.. If you wanna Observe or audit you may...
[16:07] Thunder (thunder.insippo): tp me! :)
So there I am auditing a class by a gentleman in New York who is teaching a class in NZ!
Jack is an earth science teacher who happens to restores bodies of water. Here is his first life bio on his Second Life profile:
I'm finishing my Masters Degree in Teaching M.A.T. With SUNY Empire State college (May 2011 Graduate!) Woo Hoo!
Earth Science ROCKS!
I own a company that restores water bodies through all natural means.
Video of what he does:
End of class