I have found a builder who "gets bored when he runs out of projects" and would be "honored" to help with our project. He's from Texas and loved the Alamo build I showed him at ISTE. His mentor builder is a teacher. I feel like he dropped out of heaven and into our laps!
He was the one who built the longhouses and I IMed him this morning after I bought one. He IMed back and asked about our project. He is not concerned about money, only building and helping. OMGosh!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Mikah Okelly
Louise's Finds
Louise is the best! She has stumbled on some sims, or probably gone looking on our behalf, that have some items we can use for our project. I am contacting the builders to see if they would be willing to build similar items that are more authentic if I provide them with photos of what we need.
I was able to purchase the hanging skins and longhouse. The longhouse is copyable but I'm not sure it's authentic enough as is. There are item inside it that are a part of it, like a campfire. I will have to see if I can modify it myself.
Thanks, Louise!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Big Things Happening!
Now let's see. It has been suggested that I blog about this process but I've been told it's secret. Hmm. What to say...
There have been some interesting meetings including a face to face with Danny, Executive Director of VSTE, and Barrie, his Professional Development Director. Janene, Al, Marie, and Lisa were there. We met at the School Admin Building to talk about our desire to do a conference session about Second Life at VSTE in February and have some power to upgrade the VSTE building and perhaps get more land and prims. We also wanted some authority in the VSTE group so we could send notices and get members together for events.
What we got was much more! We are not doing a session in Virginia Beach's conference room at VSTE, but we are doing about seven sessions, some repeated, in an area that will be set up for us at VSTE highlighting Second Life. We will do a special event Monday night, which will be a surprise, and we got much more than we anticipated.
VBCPS Dept of Tech and VSTE are being amazingly supportive of us, too. I can't say how, exactly, another secret, but we are awed by the gift of approval Janene shared last night.
We also met inworld with Milosun (Ross), Flying (Danny), and WitchyRichy (Karen) at different times in the last couple of days. We are learning about the history of VSTE in SL, the vision the board has for the future of VSTE in SL, and making sure our Executive Director's appearance in SL is in keeping with what we expect of him! His purple sneakers are to die for!
So here we go! Our plans for VSTE, and possibly ISTE, are beyond what we thought we'd be doing. We have a lot of people to contact and a lot of building to do. I will try to keep track of it here, as much for myself as for anyone else who is interested.
Thank you, Lisa, for the photo!