I had a rough time keeping up with Thunder's adventures for a while this summer and fall. I will attempt to fill in the blanks.
On August 3rd Mandie had CoolestBean Brunswick come to VSTE Island to show us how to create sculpted prim objects. We had to opened Sculpty Paint, a free web program, and followed his directions to create a cushion and a goblet. It was an amazing introduction to this software and a rare chance to learn an application from within SL.
On August 3rd Mandie had CoolestBean Brunswick come to VSTE Island to show us how to create sculpted prim objects. We had to opened Sculpty Paint, a free web program, and followed his directions to create a cushion and a goblet. It was an amazing introduction to this software and a rare chance to learn an application from within SL.

On Tuesday, August 11, at 5:00pm SLT (8:00pm EDT) the VSTE Island Team along with Flying Story (Danny Arkin RL) presented VSTE Island and the virtual Jamestown Settlement at the ISTE’s Speaker Series in the Bandshell on ISTE Island. There were approximately 50 participants in the Bandshell audience and 32 visitors came to VSTE Island for a self-guided tour following the speaker’s series.
On August 17th Mandie presented her First Africans exhibit on VSTE Island. She had created it for a course she took in Second Life from our friend Esme in ISTE.
August 24th The third session of VSTE’s Summer Book Talk was held on Monday, August 24, at 5:00pm SLT (8:00pm EDT). WitchyRichy Witherspoon (Karen Richardson RL) facilitated 14 particpants in the final discussion session of the book Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe.
VSTE in SL group meeting was held on Monday, August 31, at 5:00pm SLT (8:00pm EDT). Jazmemo Zimminy (Lisa Alconcel RL) faciliatated 19 participants in a “back to school” celebration.