Flying, Barrie, Janene, Mandie, Alfredo, Jazmemo, and Thunder met for two hours in world last night to go over a list of observations and requests by Flying. Before the meeting I was feeling extreme emotional fatigue from lack of clear communication. After the meeting I felt 100% better because I have some direction. I know what is appreciated and preferred. I'm encouraged that we will make a commitment to meet every two weeks between now and the conference in February.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
VSTE Island Managers' Meeting
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Flying Story Tries Out a Treehouse
Last night we just did a little tweeking to the Island. I checked some issues with the furniture in the headquarters. My friend Cyrus came with me to see if we could do something about the cuddle poseballs in the sofa. They can be hidden but come right back. I need to find comfortable but business like furniture for HQ. Identity's stuff is just too "doctor's waiting room." Flying was there and when he comes we all seem to stand around waiting for words of wisdom, or some reaction to what we have done. No news it not good news because we assume the worst when he says nothing. "We" is used loosely here. I think I speak for at least two of us. :P Having the impression that what Flying needs most on the island right now is a place for himself to get away from the rest of us, we told him about a treehouse we found that we thought was fun. The house itself is about 45 meters in the air and sits inside a huge tree. The walls are almost entirely made up of windows and there are two floors with a porch. From the center of VSTE Island Flying can overlook the entire sim. The leaves change color, shades of green, the windows can have blinds, and the doors can be locked open or closed. There is even an access list so we can be kept out if desired! :-)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
VSTE January 26
The weekly VSTE meeting was special last night. We met for the last time at the old VSTE building on Eduisland. There were more folks there than ever before. It was especially nice to have Flying Story and some of the key players in real world VSTE there. We attended the Educational Faire hosted by the Lindens together. At the virtual Texas State Technology College Fairwell booth we all got segways! We ran around to the various booths together on our
segways and had a blast. Eventually we met back at the VSTE building for a champagne toast. We are thankful to Milosun for starting VSTE in Second Life; to Flying, his board, and the VSTE conference committee for their support of a new island, and to the team from Virginia Beach, who became passionate about enhancing VSTE's presence in Second Life.
An Old Friend
Sunday was JAM's birthday. JAM is Norma from Ohio, an Internet friend I've known since the KimVA on Dalnet. Long story, but I chatted there for many years before AOL or anything like it. All JAM wanted for her birthday was to have a reunion on Dalnet of the old "KimVA" channel. Yes, it was named for me, another long story. There were probably 25 or so regulars there that became rather close friends. One was a high school French Canadian who called himself Neon Centaur.
I only keep up with about three people from those days, but I decided to go out of curiousity. What a trip! I didn't stay long because I'm so busy in SL, but I did get to see some of the old crowd. Just for the heck of it I asked if any of them had ventured into SL. To my surprise they didn't know what it was. That is no one but Neon Centaur! Neon is Yuki in Second Life, a mall owner making 10,000 Lindens a month! He lives in Japan and his mall has over 90 shop owners with a Japanese theme. Most of the products are Japanese. Yuki has been in SL much longer than I have. If I'd stuck it out with Dalnet I could have learned about SL years ago! Small world!
Educational Faire
The Lindens are celebrating educational sims in Second Life. Groups have set up booths around a four sim area especially created for this event. There is a pavilion with a series of presentations given by various groups. Here I am with friends listening to teachers and builders from vTSTC, virtual Texas State Technical College, talk about tools they use in Second Life to teach their classes. They teach digital photography with a number of tools that simulate the parts of a camera and how they work in a way that could not be done in the real world.
vTSTC is also the home of Cafe 101, Lyrah Lane's project for educators in Second Life. I have always enjoyed visiting Cafe 101 and have held many meetings there in preparation for work on VSTE's island.
vTSTC's booth at Educational Faire included free segways! They are awesome! I teleported several friends to the sim so they would not miss getting their own.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Circle Dance Found
Today I finally found a native American circle dance for VSTE Island. It's not great but it will do for now. It's one more interactive thing for our visitors to enjoy. Someone said that the island is a little too Jamestown and not enough VSTE. My reaction to that is there has to be a reason for people to come to see VSTE island. Once there they can join the group. Once we get a nice size group of people the draw will be the meetings and classes we offer.