I have been invited to share office space with a friend. We both have this idea that we can find a way to work in Second Life to make enough money to support our habit here! The photo behind me is of my alma mater, JMU, in Second Life.
I have my office! Now I need some skills. :-)
Friday, July 4, 2008
My New Office
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Party After
After the Alamo tours last night we invited friends back to the house to relax. Amethyst and Keyo were there. Alfredo invited Norma, who made our costumes, I invited Cyrus, and Mandie was there too. Norma, Alfredo and I debriefed about the experience and we all tried to relax, having been quite keyed up over the event. Several of us got beer or wine in real life to drink while relaxing and we let our avatars indulge as well. Cyrus and Alfredo got looped as you can see from the video! They repeatedly fell into a heap on the floor! Thank you for the video, Norma!
Remember the Alamo!
I have completed my first official volunteering job in Second Life. I worried about it for a month, practiced for weeks, and, in the end, I "led" one group through the sim. My group consisted of two of my roommates and a good friend whom I've known in Second Life for nearly four months. It was exciting and fun but I don't think I made a contribution. I did grow. In preparation for this I made several friends as I begged people, acquaintances, for practice time on voice. I also learned, at the last minute, how to add gestures to my avatar while speaking. I learned to create a group voice chat. I acquired an outfit which I will virtually burn as soon as I have the energy! I made a few girlfriends who are long time volunteers and/or employees of ISTE that I will continue to get to know and enjoy. Therefore it was all for ME that I participated in this endeavor, not for the good of others. Maybe my growth will translate into help for someone else someday. I hope so! Here is a movie of the event that my friend, Norma, uploaded to her blog. She is an art teacher and was the costume creator. If you look closely you can see both me, near the beginning, and Alfredo, near the end.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I'm So Bad!
I have a confession. I've been messing with my husband's avatar. :-P He could show up to see this Alamo Tour thing and I don't want to be embarrassed! He thinks he made his avatar look like himself. He didn't. If he had made it look like himself that would have been fine, but he made it look like a deformed toad. I have recreated him. He never signs on so he'll never know. Unless he DOES sign on.
The Alamo Tours are Tonight!
The time has finally arrived! Alfredo and I have been practicing giving Alamo Tours at ISTE's NECC sim for weeks! I can't find my way out of a paper bag in real life and I had to learn voice to be effective, but I think I'm ready. We have our costumes and scripts. I have wanted to be a participant with ISTE in some way for so long, but feel inadequate for most of what they need. This is my first contribution. In the photo Alfredo and I are standing proudly by the display with volunteer names on it. Thanks, Kittygloom, that meant a lot to us!
Alfredo has found the best gestures for his monk at the Alamo! He can bless us and cross himself! I need a Vanna gesture that envokes, "Right this way, Folks!"