Identity Euler is an avatar/person who needs a portfolio to be a builder for hire. I found her through the SLED listserv when she asked for building projects. We have asked her to do several projects for us. This is the 1607 Meeting House. It's going to be larger than scale because we want to hold actual meetings in there and not have our cameras go nuts. She's doing an awesome job of contacting Mandie and me to let us check her progress. Once again Mandie has the vision better than I do. I've also asked Identity to do the furniture and fireplace for the HQ building.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Meeting House
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008
So far behind
These posts are all just to get some photos uploaded in some sort of order. I will write the blogs when I'm not so tired. What a busy time!
Virtual Pioneers Dec. 21st
What an awesome night! We started with a meeting where Spiff taught us to add URLs to a kiosk that we could place in SL. When visitors click it they will receive a notecard with our suggestions for URLs to social studies sites. It was oral but I was helping a newbie without voice. I had to listen to Spiff, follow his directions, and type them to my friend. She didn't have the right tag on so none of the directions were working for her. It was frustrating but I learned something.
After the meeting we went to Avalon Castle where the owner hosted an 18th century dance for us. It happened to be my birthday and Louise invited a lot of my friends who are not members of Virtual Pioneers. We danced 18th century line dances for an hour! Everyone came dressed in period costume. I felt like I was living Pride and Prejudice!
It seems Second Life is always having some sort of world wide celebration. In the fall it was something about fire life light... I don't remember, but now it's Winterfaire. Winterfaire seems to be all about snow and snowmen and iceskating. I wear skates most of the time now because every spare minute my friend, Cyrus, wants to explore another Winterfaire sim. For once I'm getting into it myself. I've been introduced to several sims I'd not otherwise visit. One was about accepting customs of people from other cultures. You can take a quiz to see how familiar you are with the cutomes and you get an immediate score. I'm sad to say I did not do well on any that I took, including the one on United States.
I Made It!
I made the ISTE Docent Wall. There I am on the bottom right. :-) I'm very proud to be an ISTE docent and glad I got on the wall. Not only am I there but Kittygloom put my photo there twice because I changed my look from the first submission to the time it was loaded. I enjoy serving at ISTE as a docent one hour every Saturday morning. Come see me!
Visit with Scot
December first I had a nice visit with Scot, my English friend living in France, at Amethyst's house. He is still wearing the tux he wore to an event we went to together in late October. It's all he has, except for a pair of bathing trunks!
It's always nice to talk to Scot. He's an English gentleman and tells me about his life in the country in France. He has three cats, Gris Gris, Tommy, and Kimmy.
Amethyst has done an amazing job finding a little house for herself since loosing the house she had on an open sim. Always the gracious hostess she offered us a glass of wine which matched my dress perfectly! Ah, Second Life!