That was fun, but my gosh I'm a nervous wreck when I get people to come to VSTE just on my say so. I had a teacher there from my school, a friend in England that I don't know that well, one of the Tech Chick Tips gals that I've been "working on" for a year, another person from my school system who is going to do a presentation for us soon, and several other friends who I'd begged to come! I was more worried about everyone being okay and having a good time than I am when people are in my house!
We had 2 Greedy tables and kept them both busy. |
Leko brought his Parcheesi table and a cute pavilion he'd created for it. He got the textures from a photo he took of Edgar Allen Poe's home in Richmond. (a home Poe never lived in) |
Jaz's bronco was a big hit. It gave prizes to riders and kept track of longest rides. |