Wednesday, May 23, 2012

VSTE Executive Director Spoke April 23

Monday, April 23, 2012, Witchyrichy Witherspoon, AKA Dr. Karen Richardson spoke at our general meeting to share "What [She] Learned at VSTE" this year. She told about mini-conferences, webinars, SL meetings, and conferences she's attended as the ED of VSTE. It's mind boggling how much VSTE members are into. You can't help learning if you hang around this group!

Snow Crash Reading

ISTE SIGVE has a social every Thursday night at 5 PM SLT. This one was a reading of Snow Crash, the novel that inspired the creation of Second Life. Cyrus Hush read the first 3 or 4 chapters in an hour, skipping over some of the stronger language. 

I tried to read this book myself this fall. I didn't get very far. Maybe I'll try again in the summer, but I just don't think it's my cup of tea.

Villa Vesuviana

This was a Virtual Pioneers tour to Villa Vesuviana, a fictional principality of the 18th century, interpreting the Enlightenment and baroque/rococo era;  dedicated to experiments in immersive education; a joint project of  the Missouri Humanities Council and the Laboratory for Virtual Arts and Humanities.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jack Buxbaum Teaches in Second Life

I just popped into SL to get the name of someone for a note and this conversation happened:

[16:03] Jack Buxbaum: Hey Thunder I'm in- Auckland NZ teaching a clas on aquatic restoration.. If you wanna Observe or audit you may...
[16:07] Thunder (thunder.insippo): tp me! :)

So there I am auditing a class by a gentleman in New York who is teaching a class in NZ!

Jack is an earth science teacher who happens to restores bodies of water. Here is his first life bio on his Second Life profile:
I'm finishing my Masters Degree in Teaching M.A.T. With SUNY  Empire State college (May 2011 Graduate!) Woo Hoo!

Earth Science ROCKS!

I own a company that restores water bodies through all natural means.

Video of what he does:
End of class


 May 7th Stephen Xootfly visited VSTE Island to share his work in his own virtual world, BIO-SE. He and a group of higher education scientists and other professionals have been experimenting with such things as Sim on a Stick, running a VW from a jump drive. I can't pretend to understand it really. It's still magic to me. Stephen, Dr. Stephen Gasier in RL, and his colleagues are working on spaces for their own students and would like to accommodate K12 students as well. They are also will to help educators learn how to create your own grid, safe for kids and outside the Linden Labs business.