Saturday, August 14, 2010

VSTE Meeting August 9

It's been difficult to gather the membership for meetings this summer. Finding ourselves with no plan for the second Monday in August we decided to repeat a version of an idea Alfredo did a while back. We gave members some ideas for touring, provided landmarks to four choices, asked them to tour and take photos for 45 minutes, and return to share their findings.

VSTE met at Exploration Central
VSTE member in the maze
We met at Exploration Central where Cyrus has over 100 landmarks. The four VSTE coordinators had selected one sim each. My group went to the maze at Sculptie Paradise (see previous post). I think I had six follow me, one leaving to join another group because lag was killing her fun. No one accomplished the goal in the time we had but it was fun trying to help each other to the top.

Several of us find each other inside the maze
We used our mini-maps to track each other and friends conference to communicate.
Gathering at the top before returning to EC

Multitasking during ISTE Duty

I still have ISTE docent duty every Saturday morning from 8 to 9 eastern time. The inserted image shows the head quarters building I'm in front of. This is where educational folks often come for help or fellowship.
Today, like so many days, there is no one here but me. In real life I'm reading a book so I posed my avatar doing the same in case someone comes by and I don't notice right away. I put a titler over my head, invisible in this photo, giving the name of the book to encourage discussion.
The green ball is part of my accounting solution. I'm expected to report at the end of my shift how many avatars visited and how many I invited to ISTE. I create balls to keep track. Green for ISTE members, red for non-ISTE members, blue if I invited them. There is no accounting for whether or not they accepted the invitation. I'm not sure you can even tell if they have hidden their groups.
I'd prefer to have a lot of business, people to connect with, newbie educators to help, but today only two came. Oh well. It's a peaceful way to spend an hour on Saturday mornings.