I purchased my 1/2 sim in August, so happy to have found something pretty that I could afford. I had more prims allowed me than I would ever use. There was lots of open water for sailing. It cost me $135 US down and about $42 a month, which would continue unchanged indefinitely, or so I thought.
Yesterday or the day before Jack Linden announced that Open Sims were being abused by overuse. They are going to raise the tier as of January 1 to some amount I can not afford. I am under the impression that my sim owner has many folks in my situation living on his open sims. I think this means that he will have to default and I will not even be able to sell my sim. I will lose my initial investment. It's only money, but it's sad and unfair just the same! Thank you, Anibal, for the photo.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Open Space Sim Protests
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Running into the Boss
It's always nice to log into Second Life and find Flying Story wandering around. Last night Jazmemo and I nabbed him and took him to see Cafe 101, one of our favorite teacher hangouts. I was able to pull in Louise, Mandie, Cyrus, and a couple others joined by chance. Jaz couldn't stay connected, Louise got busy, and Cyrus had to leave to teach; but Mandie was able to pin Flying down a little about his vision for our project. It's so nice to have communication. (In the photo, left to right: Flying, Mandie, me, and Louise as Lily Muster for a Halloween party!)
I've passed on three pages of notes, quotes really, to the team. We have our official meeting tonight at 7 PM our time, 4 PM SLT. Here are the key points:
[16:45] Flying Story: i want the pieces connected
[16:45] Flying Story: I don't want parts floating on their own
[16:46] Flying Story: i want their to be some logic as one moves across the island
[16:46] Flying Story: it seems there are things on [another educational sim] that are there because they could be rather than should be
[16:47] Flying Story: i want the whole island to be a demonstration of the future for SL in Education.
[16:55] Mandie Mimulus: we have 256X256 square meters
[16:56] Mandie Mimulus: I had thought of dividing the island like the map
[17:01] Flying Story: didn't i ramble enough on the island? do you have specific questions?
[17:01] Mandie Mimulus: the existing building?
[17:02] Mandie Mimulus: do you want it on the new island?
[17:02] Flying Story: i want a building. I don't care if it is the existing. you guys were talking about redoing it
[17:02] Thunder Insippo: We are thinking of two
[17:02] Mandie Mimulus: Milosun is attached to it and we can't do much
[17:02] Thunder Insippo: an HQ and a meeting place similar to this
[17:02] Flying Story: he is supposed to be packaging it for us
[17:03] Flying Story: but i don't care if you use it or not
[17:03] Mandie Mimulus: we thought of moving the existing as a temporary
[17:03] Flying Story: that is fine
[17:03] Mandie Mimulus: but Thunder has wonderful plans for an open and airy space like this coffee house
[17:03] Flying Story: that is great
[17:03] Thunder Insippo: what we need is ideas for reasons to meet
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: we are tossing that around
[17:04] Flying Story: virginia vegetation?
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: that would be nice
[17:04] Mandie Mimulus: do you like this coffee house atmosphere?
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: dogwood
[17:04] Flying Story: i don't care about that level of detail.
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: Mandie is awesome at designing spaces
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: her island is beautiful
[17:05] Mandie Mimulus: we also have a bit of money now
[17:05] Flying Story: where does money come from that you all have some?
[17:05] Flying Story: you aren't buying it are you?
[17:05] Thunder Insippo: we were
[17:05] Mandie Mimulus: no... it is a small grant I wrote