It's always nice to log into Second Life and find Flying Story wandering around. Last night Jazmemo and I nabbed him and took him to see Cafe 101, one of our favorite teacher hangouts. I was able to pull in Louise, Mandie, Cyrus, and a couple others joined by chance. Jaz couldn't stay connected, Louise got busy, and Cyrus had to leave to teach; but Mandie was able to pin Flying down a little about his vision for our project. It's so nice to have communication. (In the photo, left to right: Flying, Mandie, me, and Louise as Lily Muster for a Halloween party!)
I've passed on three pages of notes, quotes really, to the team. We have our official meeting tonight at 7 PM our time, 4 PM SLT. Here are the key points:
[16:45] Flying Story: i want the pieces connected
[16:45] Flying Story: I don't want parts floating on their own
[16:46] Flying Story: i want their to be some logic as one moves across the island
[16:46] Flying Story: it seems there are things on [another educational sim] that are there because they could be rather than should be
[16:47] Flying Story: i want the whole island to be a demonstration of the future for SL in Education.
[16:55] Mandie Mimulus: we have 256X256 square meters
[16:56] Mandie Mimulus: I had thought of dividing the island like the map
[17:01] Flying Story: didn't i ramble enough on the island? do you have specific questions?
[17:01] Mandie Mimulus: the existing building?
[17:02] Mandie Mimulus: do you want it on the new island?
[17:02] Flying Story: i want a building. I don't care if it is the existing. you guys were talking about redoing it
[17:02] Thunder Insippo: We are thinking of two
[17:02] Mandie Mimulus: Milosun is attached to it and we can't do much
[17:02] Thunder Insippo: an HQ and a meeting place similar to this
[17:02] Flying Story: he is supposed to be packaging it for us
[17:03] Flying Story: but i don't care if you use it or not
[17:03] Mandie Mimulus: we thought of moving the existing as a temporary
[17:03] Flying Story: that is fine
[17:03] Mandie Mimulus: but Thunder has wonderful plans for an open and airy space like this coffee house
[17:03] Flying Story: that is great
[17:03] Thunder Insippo: what we need is ideas for reasons to meet
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: we are tossing that around
[17:04] Flying Story: virginia vegetation?
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: that would be nice
[17:04] Mandie Mimulus: do you like this coffee house atmosphere?
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: dogwood
[17:04] Flying Story: i don't care about that level of detail.
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: Mandie is awesome at designing spaces
[17:04] Thunder Insippo: her island is beautiful
[17:05] Mandie Mimulus: we also have a bit of money now
[17:05] Flying Story: where does money come from that you all have some?
[17:05] Flying Story: you aren't buying it are you?
[17:05] Thunder Insippo: we were
[17:05] Mandie Mimulus: no... it is a small grant I wrote
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