Earlier this week I ran into Lyn Carlberg on one of my favorite sims, Serenite. I was looking for free small, almost barren looking trees for my Mali build and he was looking for a cauldron. Seeing the sim was not empty I used radar to see who was there. When I say Lyn's name I instant messaged him immediately. LOL! He doesn't know me from Adam, but I know him as one of my favorite live musicians since my early days in SL. I went to his SL wedding reception, the first I'd ever seen. He tells me that was nearly three years ago.

I have looked for his name in the event listing several times and never saw him so I thought he'd left SL, hence my excitement when I saw him.
He told me when his next concert was to be, I promised to go, and then missed it, of course! The day after that I IMed him and asked to be added to his group so I don't miss the next one.
He's Welsh and plays guitar. He has a soft, sweet style with a delicious accent. Look him up if you are in the mood for swaying beside a friend to some good tunes and a happy feeling.