I tried my hand at making rugs, probably the easiest thing to "build" in second life. The problem is design. I'm not there yet. I tried to match the colors of the furniture but the patterns are too wild, too bold, too much. I made four different rugs with blue, green, beige, and brown that will never be seen at VSTE HQ. :-)
My friend, Leonard came over and made a ceiling fan for me but in the end I bought one at a store. His was nice and I will use it someplace else. The downstairs of the HQ is furnished. It needs some finishing touches to give it warmth and that lived in look.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
VSTE Day 9
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Flying and Barrie Visit
Out with the Old In with the New

VSTE Island Day 4
We tried to move the building into place. It was in several pieces. Some pieces were single prims: railings and a beam or two. It was impossible to gather all the pieces in one edit and move them together. We moved pieces. It was a mess.

Later on the same day Elijah contacted me to tell me that he was working on the Powhatan bits. After I expressed dismay over our building problem he came to help. We rezzed another copy of the building for him to refer to as he was putting ours together.

There remained some tiny spaces between prims. At about 11 PM we all gave up and went to bed!
On a positive note, the furniture and meeting house are nearly ready and the ships were also rezzed. Mandie made room for them by terraforming the edge of the sim. They are a work of art!

Monday, January 12, 2009
Got Google?
Today I got invited via TP to a meeting place to join a group that I know very little about. It has something to do with Google creating a presense in Second Life and Maggie Marat is involved. Jade Lily and Emanna Romano, who I don't know, seemed to also be doing a bit of the talking and sharing. I believe these three are Google Certified teachers which they earned by attending a one day Google Teacher Academy at Google Headquarters. They have aparently convinced Google that people really are using Second Life for educational purposes and that if Google teaches in SL they can reach a lot of teachers who will in turn reach a lot of students.
One can apply to attend the academy. The requirements include a one minute video and answers to questions about using technology. You can go to Youtube and search for Google Teacher Academy and see a bunch of different GTA videos.
I think I will have to attend some future meetings to really understand what I've gotten into now but I must say I'm very happy to be someone that someone else teleports to a place where something educational is happening. This happens to me more and more now, and it is not the same person. It's been KJ, Bonbon, Massinimo, and others. I love that something starts and somoene thinks, "Thunder would like to be here!" They are SO right!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
VSTE Island Day 3 Elijah Shows Up
Day three! Elijah sent me a note via SL notecard. What a treat! He still wants to help with the Powhatan village. We had not heard from him in months, not much at all since he lost his home and business in the hurricane that his Houston this summer. He had offered to do a lot of building for us for the joy of doing it! We don't even know him well. I was sure we were going to have to make do with the Native American stuff we could find in SL as is, but no, Elijah is back and he is going to build based on our photos of the Powhatan village in Jamestown. What a relief!
Flying Story (Danny Arkin RL) and Mandie (Marie RL) had a long chat about the VSTE Conference and VSTE island. Now we have a clearer understanding of what we are to do. I can't wait to start!