I heard Spiff Whitfield, a good friend give a talk at ISTE as part of J Hax's Speaker Series. He was fabulous. As he showed slides of the historical places we have toured, he changed costumes to match the era of history being explored. It was clever and interesting!
Early last week I attended a workshop on sim management at the suggestion of my friend Louise, of ISTE. It was partially intended for folks who are planning to buy islands and parcel them to rent out at a profit. There was a lot of useful information to be had about the HUD and tools the land owner has access to that I have never seen. At the end of the course I purchased the entire thing to be able to share with my team.
I attended Virtual Pioneers and toured Plymouth Plantation and Red Rock.
I attended the Speaker Series and saw the beginning of a PBS scavenger hunt through the PBS online resources for teachers.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Last Week - the stuff I was too busy to post
Numbakulla Tour - Meant to Be
During a break from preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, (I do not cook any of it, but clean and prepare the table) I went to Numbakulla to prepare for the tour I will do Monday for VSTE members. I happened to notice something out of place, a snowglobe, near the beginning of the adventure. I IMed the owner feeling sure it was not meant to be there. Sure enough it was an accidentally dropped item but the owner turned out to be one of the creators of The Pot Healer Adventure!
We had a nice visit for about an hour and she became my friend. We were offering friendship at precisely the same time actually!
There is another layer to this story that gives me chills! Being Thanksgiving day the topic of the Mayflower came up and it turns out she is descended from Mayflower children, too! She is fourteenth generation from the Mortens. What a small world! Our ancestors knew each other intimately and we met in a virtual world.
Happy Thanksgiving!
...from the deck of the Mayflower. My family, on my father's side, can trace our ancestors back to Mayflower cooper, John Alden, and passenger, Priscilla Mullins. I think I'm tenth generation. It's not that uncommon. I have actually run into a couple of others also descended from them who are no relation to me otherwise. It's interesting though and has always been a source of pride in my father's family. In fact he was born in Massachusetts and his was the first generation of our branch to leave the state.