Last night in "inworld," as I understand it's called, everything went whacko! A RL friend I'd convinced to try Second Life came in and found me but had an awful time and soon gave up. The servers seemed to be struggling. We kept having to fly off to another location because ours was being rebooted or something. Poor Amethyst (did she pick this just to make me learn to spell it?) was about 12 feet tall and very strange looking. In trying to help her improve her appearance we ended up in a very unsavory place. I was worried when she disappeared and never returned again, but she was laughing this morning. Whew! It was like the blind leading the blind. I don't know what I'm doing! Even on a good SL day, when all the machines are working, I end up losing site of myself, running into walls, sitting in a friend's lap, or with my head stuck under a beach umbrella and my arms and legs flailing about like some sort of idiot. Last night I ran into a man who could not see himself at all and to me he appeared completely black, very tall, with a tiny head. It reminded me of a scene from the movie, “Bettlejuice!” I tried to help but was completely useless. I'm hoping that at least some of my frustration was machine-made.
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2 months ago
1 comment:
Here is a youtube video of RL people acting as if they are SL avs.
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