These classes are taught on Saturday mornings and advertised through ISTE so I've managed to hit two or three of them right after my docent duty. any1 is a CNN iReporter and helps others become better at SL photography and blogging so they can contribute as well.

The class is all text, no voice, and participants discuss a series of photos taken by any1 and friends of hers. It is sort of a plus, delta review. I usually think most of the photos are pretty good. any1 and her photographic journalist friends do a lot to enhance photos before publishing. My photos here are untouched. Maybe I should consider that in the future.
Josain is often at these classes, being an early bird. They must be at 7 am his time! I liked this photo. Some folks are bothered by "cut off" limbs but I think the focus is elsewhere and it doesn't matter a lot if a foot or elbow is missing.
any1 gives great handouts, a folder of information that would almost allow you to reteach the class yourself. I applaud her generosity.
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